Naples Forum on Service (NFS)
In coherence with the spirit of the event held in Capri (2009 and 2011), Ischia (2013), Naples (2015), Sorrento (2017), Ischia (2019), Capri (2021), and Ravello (2023) during which every participant was actor of a co-creating forum where everyone had a key role in the shared value experience, this Forum web page is designed for its users. The purpose is to overcome geographical constraints of our cultural research environment, to let discussions flow free of any formal, logistic and cultural barrier. The forum is on Service, and topics such as S-D logic, Viable Systems Approach, Service Science, Many-to-Many marketing and other intriguing issues will be addressed in search of common research paths and advances. The content of the Forum will be represented by papers, abstracts, presentations, pictures, movies and any other kind of material supporting international discussions upon the themes of interest, however the performance of the Forum will be strictly related to everyone contribute, hence look at it as an open tool looking for co-creating activities.
Service Dominant Logic
Service Dominant Logic (S-D Logic) is a theoretical proposal of marketing discipline that highlights a paradigm shift from goods dominant logic to service dominant logic; following foundations of networked relationships, new value co-creation processes, business interactions, resources integration, the authors attempt a new interpretation in market discipline introducing the dominance of service over products and goods, thus trying to follow an approach considered more faithful and adherent to nowadays competitive context of our Service Economy. Read more...
Network Theory and Many-to-Many Marketing
Today, in literature there are many perspectives chosen in several disciplines that have through networks interpreted everyday life or business realities, just as well as biology, natural sciences, computer sciences and so on. Still, no matter how deep you can get in network theories, every attempt in categorizing and generalizing their issues and their investigations dumps into hard difficulties. In a way networks are an intriguing issue, an umbrella concept. Read more...
Service Science, Management, Engineering and Design (SSMED)
In short Service Science, is an IBM initiative that has involved hundreds of researchers worldwide in the attempt of promoting a new discipline capable of satisfying an emerging research issue: the study of Service Systems. It is indeed a multidisciplinary “open source" project, based upon pillars represented by computer science, human behavior, organizational theory, industrial engineering, business strategy, management sciences, social and cognitive sciences, legal sciences. In terms of Science it investigates what service systems are and how they evolve, and about roles of people, knowledge, shared information and technology, as well as the relevance of customers (as demand) inside production processes (as supply); in terms of Management it investigates how improve efficiency evaluation, relations sustainability and systems relations; in terms of engineering it develops new technologies, adequate approaches to promote information check, measurement and diffusion. Read more...
Previous Editions
Location: Sorrento
Date: June 9-12, 2025
Title: The 9th Naples Forum on Servic
Location: Ravello
Date: June 6-9, 2023
Title: The 8th Naples Forum on Servic
Location: Capri
Date: 06-09 September 2021
Title: The '7th Naples Forum on Service'
Location: Ischia
Date: 04-07 June 2019
Title: The '10th YearsNaples Forum on Service'
Location: Sorrento
Date: 06-09 June 2017
Title: The '5th Naples Forum on Service'
Location: Centro Congressi Università Federico II
Date: 09-12 June 2015
Title: The '4th Naples Forum on Service'
Location: Ischia
Date: 18-21 June 2013
Title: The '3rd Naples Forum on Service'
Location: Capri
Date: 14-17 June 2011
Title: The '2nd Naples Forum on Service'
Location: Capri
Date: 16-19 June 2009
Title: The '1st Naples Forum on Service'